
This page provides a sample full-text travelogue and a preliminary bibliography with over 1,500 entries of primary sources. Please check again for updates.

The sample book:

Senior, Nassau William. A Journal Kept in Turkey and Greece in the Autumn of 1857, and the Beginning of 1858. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1859.


’Abd al-Karīm ibn ’Akibat ibn Muḣammad Bulākī, al-Kashmīrī. (1825). Voyage de l Inde à la Mekke; extrait et traduit de la version anglaise de ses Mémoires, avec des notes géographiques, littéraires, etc. (L. Langlès, Trans.). Nepveu.
Abbott, K. E. (1842). Notes of a Tour in Armenia in 1837. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 12, 207–220. JSTOR.
Abrov, Nikolaĭ. (1893). Ot Marseli︠a︡ do Odessy chrez Aḟiny i Konstantinopolʹ; vpechatli︠e︡nīi︠a︡ i zami︠e︡tki. [Tipo-lit. I.N. Kushnerev i ko].
Abū Ṭālib Khān. (1810). The travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Asia, Africa, and Europe: during the years 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, and 1803 (C. Stewart, Trans.). Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme.
Acker, Finley. (1899). Pen sketches; streets of Cairo, sphinx and pyramids, Bedouin wedding festival, Venetian serenade, Modern Jerusalem, Colosseum illuminated, Bazaars of Damascus, Pompeii and Vesuvius. [The McLaughlin bros. co.
Addison, C. G. (1838). Damascus and Palmyra: a journey to the East. With a sketch of the state and prospects of Syria, under Ibrahim Pasha. R. Bentley.
Adlerberg, N. vladirmirovich. (1867). En Orient; impressions et réminiscences. Impr. Centrale du ministère des finances.
Adlerberg, N. V. (1853). Iz Rima v Īerusalim: b sochinenīe. [V. Tip. imp. Akademīi nauk.
Aflalo, F. G. (1910). An idler in the Near East. J. Milne.
Ahmet Muhtar. (1899). Rehber-i umran / Ahmet Muhtar. Kostantiniye [İstanbul]: Mohammet Tahir.
Ainsworth, W. (1842). Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia / by William Francis Ainsworth ... London: John W. Parker.
Ainsworth, W. (1839). Notes on a Journey from Constantinople, by Heraclea, to Angora, in the Autumn of 1838. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 9, 216–276. JSTOR.
Ainsworth, W. (1840). Notes Taken on a Journey from Constantinople to Móṣul, in 1839-40. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 10, 489–529. JSTOR.
Ainsworth, W. (1841). An Account of a Visit to the Chaldeans, Inhabiting Central Kurdistán; And of an Ascent of the Peak of Rowándiz (Ṭúr Sheïkhíwá) in Summer in 1840. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 11, 21–76. JSTOR.
Ainsworth, W. (1840). Journey from Angora by Ḳaïṣaríyah, Maláṭíyah, and Gergen Ḳal’eh-sí, to Bír or Bírehjik. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 10, 275–310. JSTOR.
Ainsworth, W. (1888). A Personal narrative of the Euphrates expedition. K. Paul, Trench & Co.
Aiton, J. (1852). The lands of the Messiah, Mahomet, and the pope; as visited in 1851. A. Fullarton and co.
Albano. (1823). Reisen und Abentheuer durch einen Theil Deutschlands, die Schweitz, Italien nach Griechenland: meine Dienste als Militair unter den Neu-Griechen, meine Gefangenschaft und Schiksale unter den Türken, in den Jahren 1821 und 1822. Hennings.
Albemarle, G. T. (1831). Narrative of a journey across the Balcan, by the two passes of Selimno and Pravadi: also of a visit to Azani, and other newly discovered ruins in Asia Minor in the years 1829-1830. H. Colburn & R. Bentley.
Albemarle, G. T. K. (1834). Personal narrative of a journey from India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, the ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the court of Persia, the western shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney, Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh ... Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley.
Albert Victor (duke of Clarence and Avondale), & George V. (King of Great Britain). (1886). The Cruise of Her Majesty’s Ship “Bacchante”, 1879-1882: The East. Macmillan and co.
Alexander, J. E. (1827). Travels from India to England comprehending a visit to the Burman Empire, and a journey through Persia, Asia Minor, European Turkey, &c. in the years 1825-26. Parbury, Allen.
Alexander, J. E. (1830). Travels to the seat of war in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829. With sketches of the imperial fleet and army, personal adventures, and characteristic anecdotes. By Captain James Edward Alexander, (late) 16th Lancer. K.L.S. M.R.A.S. Cor.Mem. S.A.E. & M.G.S. Author of Travels in Ava, Persia, and Turkey. In two volumes. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street.
Alfthan, A. v. (1879). Från Jassy till Konstantinopel : anteckningar från Turkiska fälttåget 1877-78 / af A. V. Alfthan ; med 3 kartor.: Vol. Andra rättade uppl. Helsingfors: G.W. Edlunds Förlag.
Ali Bey. (1816). Ali Bey’s el Abassi Reisen in Afrika und Asien: in den Jahren 1803 bis 1807 ; aus dem Französischen.
Ali Bey. (1836). Viajes de Ali Bey el Abbassi (Don Domingo Badía y Leblich) por Africa y Asia durante los años 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 y 1807. Libreria de Mallen y Sobrinos.
Ali Bey. (1896). Seyahat jurnalı : İstanbul’dan Bağdad’a ve Hindistan’a : min sene 1300 ila sene 1304 / eser-i Ali Bey. İstanbul: Rauf Bey Kütüphanesi.
Allan, J. Harrison. (1843). A pictorial tour in the Mediterranean; including Malta, Dalmatia, Turkey, Asia Minor, Grecian archipelago, Egypt, Nubia, Greece, Ionian islands, Sicily, Italy, and Spain. Longman, Brown Green and Longmans.
Allard, C. (1864). Souvenirs d’Orient: les /c\echelles du Levant. Adrien le Clerc et Co.
Allen, W. (1855). The Dead Sea. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
Allom, T., & Walsh, R. (1838). Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor, illustrated. Fisher, son, & co.
Almstein, A. von. (1887). Ein flüchtiger Zug nach dem Orient. Reise der allerdurchlauchtigsten Frau Gräfin von Hohenembs im Herbste des Jahres 1885 an Bord der Kaiserlichen Yacht “Miramar”. A. Hölder.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. (1910). Condensed sketch of the missions of the American Board in Asiatic Turkey. Printed for the American Board.
American National Red Cross. (1896). Report. America’s relief expedition to Asia Minor under the Red cross.
Ampère, J.-J. (1842). Une course dans l’Asie-Mineure. Revue Des Deux Mondes (1829-1971), 29(2), 161–185. JSTOR.
Anburey, T. (1792). Anburey’s Reisen im inneren Amerika. Vossische buchhandlung.
Andréossy, A.-F. (1841). Constantinople et le Bosphore de Thrace. B. Duprat, etc.
Andréossy, A. F. (1828). Constantinopel und der Bosporus von Thrazien, in Jahren 1812, 1813, 1814, und 1826. J.F. Glück.
Andreossy, A. F., Waldie, J., & Stroud Read, F. (1818). Voyage à l’embouchure de la Mer Noire: ou, Essai sur le Bosphore : et la partie du delta de Thrace comprenant le systême des eaux qui abreuvent Constantinople. Plancher.
Andrews, E. (1871). Travels in Bible lands: Italy, Egypt, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, and Palestine. James H. Earle.
Antōnopoulos, S. A. (1907). Mikra Asia : (met’ eikonōn). Athēnai: ek tou typographeiou tou “Kratous.”
Arconati, V. G. Martino. (1872). Diario di un viaggio in Arabic Petrea (1865). E. Loescher.
Ariosto, Alessandro., & Ferraro, G. (1878). Viaggio nella Siria, nella Palestina, nell’ Egitto fatto dal 1475 al 1478 da frate Alessandro Ariosto, missionario apostolico. A. Ambrosini.
Armstrong, T. B. (1838). Travels in Russia and Turkey ... by T.B. Armstrong. London: D. Dodson.
Armstrong, T. B. (1831). Journal of travels in the seat of war, during the last two campaigns of Russia and Turkey;intended as an itinearary through the south of Russia, the Crimea, Georgia, and through Persia, Koordistan, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople. With map expressly drawn up, and illustrative of the author’s tour. London,.
Arnim, C. O. L. von. (1837). Flüchtige Bemerkungen eines Flüchtig-Reisenden / herausgegeben von C.O.L. von Arnim. Berlin: Nicolai.
Arosemena, Domingo. (1859). Sensaciones en oriente: o, impresiones bíblicas de un granadino en la Tierra Santa. R. Craighead.
Arundale, F. (1837). Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai: Including the Most Interesting Sites Between Grand Cairo and Beirout. H. Colburn.
Arundell, F. V. J. (1834). Discoveries in Asia Minor; including a description of the ruins of several ancient cities, and especially Antioch of Pisidia. By the Rev. F.V. J. Arundell. London: R. Bentley.
Arundell, F. V. J. (1828). A visit to the seven churches of Asia; with an excursion into Pisidia; containing remarks on the geography and antiquities of those countries, a map of the author’s routes, and numerous inscriptions. By the Rev. V. J. Arundell. J. Rodwell.
Asmar, M. T. (1844). Memoirs of a Babylonian princess: (Maria Theresa Asmar) daughter of Emir Abdallah Asmar. Henry Colburn.
Aube, Th. (1884). Italie et Levant: notes d’un marin. Berger-Levrault.
Aubignosc, L. P. B. d’. (1839). La Turquie nouvelle: jugée au point où l’ont amenée les réformes du sultan Mahmoud. Delloye.
Audouard, O. (1867). L’Orient et ses peuplades. E. Dentu.
Audouard, O. (1866). Les mystères du sérail et des harems turcs: lois, moeurs, usages, anecdotes. E. Dentu.
Auler, K. (1908). Die Hedschasbahn: II. teil: Ma: ân bis El ’Ula. Auf grund einer zweiten Besichtigungsreise und nach amtlichen Quellen. Justus Perthes.
Austria. (1884). Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien. Wien: C. Gerold’s Sohn.
Aveling, T. W. (1856). Voices of many waters; or, Travels in the lands of the Tiber, the Jordan, and the Nile. J. Snow.
Azpeitia de Moros, L. (1915). En busca del caballo árabe: comisón á oriente: Turquıa, Siria, Mesopotami, Palestina: memorias del viaje. Est. Tip. “Sucesores de Rivadeneyra,.”
Badger, G. P., & Neale, J. M. (1852). The Nestorians and their rituals (Vols. 1–2). J. Masters.
Badia y Leblich, D. (1816). Plates and maps of the travels of Ali Bey, in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807. John Conrad, James Maxwell, pr.
Badia y Leblich, D. (1816). Travels of Ali Bey in Marocco, Tripoli, Cyprus ... an Turkey between the years 1803 and 1807. 2. 2. Longman, Hurst ... u. Brown.
Bagatti, Ernesto., & Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, A. (1857). Dieci anni in Levante: reminiscenze / 1-2. Coi tipi di Giuseppe Redaelli.
Baierlein, E. R. (1873). Nach und aus Indien: Reise und Culturbilder. J. Naumann.
Baker, B. G. (1913). The passing of the Turkish empire in Europe, by Captain B. Granville Baker ... with 33 illustrations & a map. London: Seeley.
Baker, J. (1882). La Turquie: le pays, les institutions, les moeurs. Maurice Dreyfous.
Baker, James. (1877). Turkey in Europe. Cassell, Petter & Galpin.
Baker, J. (1877). Turkey. H. Holt & co.
Baker, J., Emil, K., Franzos, K. E., & Vámbéry, Á. (1879). Die Türken in Europa. Levn und Müller.
Baldensperger, P. J. (1913). The immovable East : studies of the people and customs of Palestine (F. Lees, Ed.). Pitman.
Baldwin, H. F. (1913). A war photographer in Thrace; an account of personal experiences during the Turco-Balkan war, 1912, by Herbert F. Baldwin; with 36 illustrations from photographs by the author. London: T.F. Unwin.
Bannister, J. T. (1844). A Survey of the Holy Land: Its Geography, History, and Destiny. Binns et Goodwin-Malborough.
Banse, E. (1910). Der arabische Orient (Orient III) eine länderkunde. B. G. Teubner.
Banse, E. (1914). Das Orientbuch (der alte und der neue Orient) mit 20 lichtdrucktafeln, 154 abbildungen im text und 7 karten. J. Singer.
Baras, Emile. (1906). De Liége en Orient. H. Dessain.
Baratta, A. (1831). Costantinopoli nel 1831: ossia, Notizie esatte e recentissime intorno a questa capitale ed agli usi e costumi de’suoi abitanti. Dalla Tipografia Pellas.
Baratti, A. (1840). Costantinopoli effigiata e descritta: con una notizia su le celebri sette chiese dell’Asia Minore ed altri siti osservabili del Levante: opera adorna di 100 eleganti intagli in acciaio disegnati su i luoghi da valentissimi artefici e nella quale sulla fede di nozioni personalmente attinte in oriente e di esatti recentissimi ragguagli si porge un preciso e compiuto quadro della capitale dell’impero ottomano, della religione, governo ed usanze de’suoi abitanti, e generalmente delle innovazioni politiche cola’ di recente introdotte. Stabilimento Tipografico di Alessandro Fontana.
Barclay, J. T. (1858). The city of Great King; or, Jerusalem as it was. Philadelphia, J. Challen and sons [etc.].
Barker, H. A., Burford, J., & Stroud Read, F. (1818). Description of the view of Athens, and surrounding country. s.n.
Barkley, H. C. (1891). A Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia. John Murray.
Barkley, H. C. (1876). Between the Danube and Black Sea: or, Five years in Bulgaria. J. Murray.
Barkley, H. C. (1877). Bulgaria Before the War during Seven Years’ Experience of European Turkey and Its Inhabitants. John Murray.
Barlow, P. (1791). The general history of Europe: and entertaining traveller. Comprising an historical and geographical account of all the empires, kingdoms, &c. in Europe, viz. Great-Britain, Ireland, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Bohemia, Prussia, Italy, Denmark, Hungary, Sardinia, Tuscany, Norway, Venice, United Provinces, Switzerland, Austria, Genoa, Geneva, Piedmont, Montserrat, Milan, Parma, Modena, and Tartary in Europe, From their first Establishment to the End of the present Year ; Including a Circumstantial Relation of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of Every Kingdom ; Together with their Religion, Laws, Manners, Arts, and Sciences: also the Particulars of the War Between Russia, Sweden, Germany, and the Porte ; Displaying Likewise the Contest Between the French King and his Subjects ; and the Late Disturbances in Holland. The Geographical Department is Illustrated with A Complete Set of Whole Sheet Maps of all the Kingdoms, on so Large a Scale as to Entitle them to the Appellation of the European Atlas. The Topography of every Country in Europe is ample and complete, giving not only an Account of Cities and Capital Towns, but also every Thing remarkable in Villages and inferior Places, their Ruins, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Curiosities, &c. By Percival Barlow, Esq. assisted by several gentlemen who have made the tour of Europe, and Furnished him with the Most Valuable and Authentic Informations to Enrich his Work. Printed by and for W. and J. Stratford, No. 112, Holborn-Hill.
Barnwell, R. Grant. (1878). The Russo-Turkish War: comprising an account of the Servian Insurrection, the dreadful massacre of Christians in Bulgaria and other Turkish atrocities, with the transactions and negotiations of the contending powers preliminary to the present struggle, the military resources and defences of the combatants, and the stirring battles and thrilling incidents of the war... I.D. Cartright & Co.
Barr, R. (1900). The unchanging East. L.C. Page.
Barrell, G. (1819). Letters from Asia. A.T. Goodrich & Co.
Barrows, J. O. (1884). On horseback in Cappadocia; or, A missionary tour. Together with some things which they saw who made it. By J. O. Barrows. Boston: Congregational Sunday-school and publishing society.
Barrows, J. O. (1916). In the land of Ararat, a sketch of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman Barrows Ussher, missionary to Turkey and a martyr of the great war. Fleming H. Revell.
Barth, H. (1864). Reise durch das Innere der Europäischen Türkei von Rustchuk über Philippopel, Rilo (Monastir), Bitolia und den Thessalischen Olymp nach Saloniki im Herbst 1862. Berlin: D. Reimer.
Bartlett, W. H. (1863). Jerusalem Revisited. T. Nelson and Sons.
Bartlett, S. C., & American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. (1876). Historical sketch of the missions of the American board in Turkey. Board.
Barton, W. E. (1902). The Old world in the new century; being the narrative of a tour of the Mediterranean, Egypt and the Holy Land, with some information about the voyage and places visited ... The Pilgrim press.
Barton, G. A. (1904). A year’s wandering in Bible lands. Ferris & Leach.
Baruffi, G. F. (1847). Viaggio in Oriente. Tip. di G. Silvestri.
Batthyány, V. (1810). Reise nach Constantinopel: in Briefen. K.A. Hartleben.
Baxter, W. E. (1850). Impressions of central and southern Europe: being notes of successive journeys in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and the Levant. Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
Beaufort, F. (1820). Memoir of a survey of the coast of Karamania: made in pursuance of the orders of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Captain Hurd.
Beaufort, F. (1821). Karamanien, oder Beschreibung der Südküste von Klein Asien ... Verlage des Landes-Industrie.
Beaufort, F. (1818). Karamania, or, A brief description of the south coast of Asia-Minor and of the remains of antiquity. With plans, views, &c. collected during a survey of that coast, under the orders of the Lords commissioners of the Admiralty, in the years 1811-1812. By Francis Beaufort.: Vol. 2d ed. R. Hunter.
Beaujour, L. A. F. (1829). Voyage militaire dans l’empire Othoman, ou, Description de ses frontières et de ses principales dėfenses, soit naturelles, soit artificielles, avec 2 cartes géographiques. Firmin Didot.
[…] This is a sample of the bibliography with more than 1500 primary source entries, containing also individual editions and translations of the travelogues. For a complete version of the primary sources please get in contact with us.

Some secondary literature on the topic can be found here:

Amin, A. (2013). Ägyptomanie und Orientalismus: Ägypten in der deutschen Reiseliteratur (1175-1663). Mit einem kommentierten Verzeichnis der Reiseberichte (383-1845). Walter de Gruyter.
Behdad, A. (1994). Belated Travelers: Orientalism in the Age of Colonial Dissolution. Duke University Press Books.
Bernard, V. (1996). Österreicher im Orient: eine Bestandsaufnahme österreichischer Reiseliteratur im 19. Jahrhundert. Holzhausen.
Bracewell, W., & Drace-Francis, A. (2007). A Comparative History of East European Travel Writing on Europe, Volume 2: East Meets West. Central European University Press.
Buzard, J. (1993). The Beaten Track: European Tourism, Literature, and the Ways to ‘Culture’, 1800–1918. Oxford University Press.
Carey, D. (2015). Truth, Lies and Travel Writing. In C. Thompson (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing. Routledge.
Carr, H. (2002). Modernism and travel (1880–1940). In P. Hulme & T. Youngs (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (pp. 70–86). Cambridge University Press.
Genc, K. (Ed.). (2015). An Istanbul Anthology: Travel Writing through the Centuries. The American University in Cairo Press.
Goldsworthy, V. (2006). The Balkans in Nineteenth-Century British Travel Writing. In T. Youngs (Ed.), Travel Writing in the Nineteenth Century (pp. 19–36). Anthem Press; JSTOR.
Gorton, T. J. (Ed.). (2015). A Beirut Anthology: Travel Writing through the Centuries (1 edition). The American University in Cairo Press.
Hammond, A. (2004). The Uses of Balkanism: Representation and Power in British Travel Writing, 1850-1914. The Slavonic and East European Review, 82(3), 601–624.
Hammond, A. (2010). Memoirs of conflict: British women travellers in the Balkans. Studies in Travel Writing, 14(1), 57–75.
Harlan, D. (2009). Travel, Pictures, and a Victorian Gentleman in Greece. Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 78(3), 421–453.
Hodkinson, J., Walker, J., Mazumdar, S., & Feichtinger, J. (Eds.). (2013). Tales from the Oriental Borderlands: On the Making and Uses of Colonial Algiers in Germanophone Travel Writing from the Maghreb around 1840. In Deploying Orientalism in Culture and History (pp. 78–98). Boydell and Brewer; JSTOR.
Hulme, P., & Youngs, T. (Eds.). (2002). The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing. Cambridge University Press.
Korte, B. (2000). English Travel Writing from Pilgrimages to Postcolonial Explorations: From Pilgrimage to Postcolonial. Palgrave Macmillan.
Melman, B. (2014). Women’s Orients: English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1918. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mörner, M. (1982). European Travelogues as Sources to Latin American History from the Late Eighteenth Century until 1870. Revista de Historia de América, 93, 91–149.
Nash, G. (2011). Travellers to the Middle East from Burckhardt to Thesiger: an anthology.
Nash, G. P. (2005). From Empire to Orient: Travellers to the Middle East, 1830-1926. I.B.Tauris.
Oxfeldt, E. (2010). Journeys from Scandinavia: Travelogues of Africa, Asia, and South America, 1840―2000. University of Minnesota Press.
Rogers, S. S. (2011). Inventing the Holy Land: American Protestant Pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865–1941. Lexington Books.
Rubiés, J.-P. (2000). Travel Writing as a Genre: Facts, Fictions and the Invention of a Scientific Discourse in Early Modern Europe. Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing, 1(1), 5–35.
Schiffer, R. (1999). Oriental panorama: British travellers in 19th-century Turkey. Rodopi.
Sillitoe, Alan. (1995). Leading the blind: a century of guidebook travel 1815-1914. Macmillan.
Spackman, B. (2017). Accidental orientalists: modern Italian travelers in Ottoman lands. Liverpool University Press.
Thompson, C. (Ed.). (2015). The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing (1st edition). Routledge.
Ze’evi, D. (2006). The View from Without: Sexuality in Travel Accounts. In Producing Desire (1st ed., pp. 149–166). University of California Press; JSTOR.